Embed your website in your ESP8266 firmware image
A few months ago I wrote about the process I was using to optimize my website files for SPIFFS prior to upload them to the ESP8266. The goal was to reduce the number and size of the files to help the microcontroller to cope with them in an easier way. Smaller size mean faster downloads and less files mean less concurrency.
The process is done using Gulp, a tool to automate processes, and defined in a javascript file....
Manage and persist settings with Embedis
For months I've been searching for a settings manager for my Arduino and ESP8266 projects. There are basically two issues to take care of:
On memory settings or** how do you access to the configuration values** from your code Persistence or how do you store the configuration across reboots For the first issue common solutions in high level languages are key-value solutions in the form of containers or hash arrays....
MQTT LED Matrix Display
My MQTT network at home moves up and down a lot of messages: sensor values, triggers, notifications, device statuses,… I use Node-RED to forward the important ones to PushOver and some others to a Blynk application. But I also happen to have an LED display at home and that means FUN.
LED displays are cool. Your team's score, your number in the IRS queue, the estimated arrival time for your next commute,… Now that TVs are replacing LED displays (like the later did with the electromechanical ones) they have acquire an almost vintage-status....
Optimizing files for SPIFFS with Gulp
The ESP8266 flash layout defines a series of blocks of memory for each “partition”. There is a block for the user code (the “sketch”), there is a block for the OTA update file, another one for the emulated EEPROM, another for the WIFI configuration and one for the File System.
This last one uses Peter Andersson's SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System) code to store files in a similar fashion our computers do, but taking into account the special requirements of an embedded system and a flash memory chip....